On the second day, two discussion tables were organized, separated by work packages, where partners could sit down to discuss different aspects of their developments. They could also discuss sample submission, test characteristics, sample quantities, etc. The tables were organised as follows, discussion table 1 (WP1 + WP2 + WP5), discussion table 2 (WP3 + WP4 + WP6). The organisation of these roundtables was a success, as it allowed the partners to discuss in a closer and more direct way different challenges of the project with the other partners, to look for solutions and to debate on how to approach different stages of the process.
The second day was also accompanied by the organization of a workshop by the partner INNORENEW, where they presented the mathematical application, they were developing in the framework of the project, this workshop helped the other partners to better understand the tool, as well as to provide feedback for its implementation. The meetings closed with short sessions where each WP Leader gave a summary of the work done so far in their work package, as well as future work. The day concluded with a scheduled visit to Hervás, where the mayoress of the town accompanied the project members on a tour of the town. The municipality of Hervás dates back to the 12th century, from a hermitage located on the banks of the river Santihervás, from which it takes its name, built at the time by Templar monks, who helped to repopulate areas after the Christian conquest, creating settlements in which they built hermitages. After their expulsion at the beginning of the 13th century, a castle was built where several families settled.