Halfway through OLEAF4VALUE: from the valorisation of olive leaves to the exploitation of high value-added biobased products

  • OLEAF4VALUE is a BBI-JU, H2020-funded EU project that aims to extend the useful life of olive leaves, solving the problem of their removal from the fields while obtaining high added-value bioactive products with high-market potential.

  • The project will set up the basis of six smart value chains based on a newly developed 4.0 concept: Smart Dynamic Multi-Valorisation-Route Biorefinery (SAMBIO) for the cascade valorisation of the olive leaf biomass according to its initial composition (Biomass Suitability Index).

  • The OLEAF4VALUE project started on July 1st, 2021. It puts together a competitive consortium of 16 highly experienced partners across Europe devoted to the complete valorisation of this new underutilised biomass.

OLEAF4VALUE has progressed significantly at each stage of the project development during the first 18 months of exhaustive work. Key advancements are listed below:

The OLEAF4VALUE consortium wishes you a happy #WorldOliveTreeDay!

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